GIS Story Maps

This page, in progress, is the beginning of a set of pages that will explore various features and themes of Earth Systems Journey in more depth, for those who have a particular interest in one aspect of the model. This particular page will share highlights from the GIS Story Maps dimension of Earth Systems Journey. Some of those who saw my talk (October 4, 2018) at the MN GIS/LIS Consortium 28th Annual Conference asked if I could share the power point from my talk. Here it is. (Note that in saving as a PDF, some slides are compressed at the end, and I’ll work on making them the right proportion soon.) The actual storymaps from most projects in this presentation and others can be found by going to the ESJ Projects tab, finding the project you are interested in, and following its web link. Once at a project website that uses story maps, there should be a tab for story maps, from which you can link to the suite of story maps relevant to that project.

If you have comments or questions, I’d love to hear from you.

LINK to “GIS Story Maps in Art-led, Place-based, Experiential, Environmental Education” presented by Jonee Kulman Brigham, at the MN GIS/LIS Consortium 28th Annual Conference October 4, 2018
Duluth, Minnesota